Dayhike in Jyrgalan Valley. Turnaly Kol lake

Jyrgalan Valley is located 60 kilometers from Karakol. There are several very beautiful trails in this valley. We like Turnaluu Kol lake the most. The hiking is quite easy. It starts from Jyrgalan village. You can get there by public transport or by cab.
Length: 10.5 km
Elevation: 600 m Gain/Loss

We highly recommend starting the trek in the afternoon. By sunset there will be a very beautiful view. There are a lot of flowers in June.

You can actually see a crane on the lake in the spring. Therefore, Turnaluu Kol means «lake of cranes» in Kyrgyz. We organize day hike to Turnaluu Kol lake starting from Karakol and back to Karakol.

Dayhike in Jyrgalan Valley. Guided tour
English speaking guide
Price for 1 day. In Euro - €
1 person — €120
2 persons — €85 per person
3 persons — € 85 person
4 persons — €80 per person
5 persons — €80 per person
6-14 person — €70 per person