All about independent hiking in Kyrgyzstan. Is it worth buying package tours?

Ala Kul Lake. Independent hiking in Kyrgyzstan

Important to note that most visitors in Kyrgyzstan prefer travelling independently and hike on their own. This is because trekking routes are marked both in paper maps and in offline maps. There are also local tour companies who help tourists choosing a proper trekking route and provide relevant information on different treks.

Is it safe going for an independent hiking in Kyrgyzstan?

There are many trekking routes available Top 10 best hikes in Kyrgyzstan that you can choose according to your preferences or physically fitness. However how safe it is to hike alone without guiding.  

Mountains are always a risk. You should get properly prepared whether it is physical training, choosing equipment, or managing meals. There is always a risk to fall, get sick, or get lost in the mountains.  

In these cases, the best option is to organize your trekking hike via a tour company. Our company like any other tour companies can arrange your transport, guides, porters and your meals for hiking.

But if you are determined to go for an independent hiking in Kyrgyzstan:

  • Make sure to receive full and accurate information on a trekking route. You can get information on trekking routes through tourism information centres, other visitors or at your hostels and guesthouses.
  • Make sure to prepare properly meals and equipment for hiking.
  • Find trekking companions, mostly you can find them at your staying hostels or guesthouses.
  • Inform your family on:
  • Trekking route
  • Date of your return
  • The estimate days that you can be late from the trek
  • Starting point of your trek
  • Contacts of your trekking companion if any app is very useful for independent hiking in Kyrgyzstan

When choosing a trekking route for independent hiking make sure to download offline map. My favorite is

You can mark your starting points and overnight stays at and use the map without internet connection. By turning on GPS, you can always identify your location. If you are good at using paper maps, recommend you to use this map. You can buy these maps at any tour company in Bishkek, in Karakol and in your staying guesthouses or hostels.

Trekking map for independent hiking in Kyrgyzstan

We cannot recommend any company for insurance. Emergency telephone number 112, be informed that they might not speak English.
So keep our number as well +996708932110