How to apply for a border zone permit in Kyrgyzstan?

The border permit is issued for tourists and citizens by the government of Kyrgyzstan. Because these zones are still located on the border of Kyrgyzstan and on the border of a neighboring country for example China.
In border zone areas, there are beautiful places such as:
Lake Chatyr Kol,
Lenin Peak,
Enilchek Valley including the city of Enilchek,
Khan Tengri Peak,
Sary Zhaz Valley including Echkilitash.
On the way to these areas, there are checking points where your permit and passports are being checked. You will definitely need such permits traveling around these areas by car or go for trekking hikes at these locations.
Where to apply for a border zone permit?
The easiest way to prepare a permit is through a tour company. The tour company will prepare your permit within 10 to 15 days. Sometimes they can prepare faster but the service for it can be also more expensive as they ask for more money.
The cost is usually from $ 30-60.
What is needed:
1) Copy of your passport;
2) The dates of your stay in the border zone;
Make sure the dates are set 1-2 days before your start, and 1-2 days later of your actual finishing period, just in case you change your plan or for emergency cases such certain accidents during travel/trekking that might affect your days of stay at the border zone destinations.
3) The approximate route of your trekking or travelling route;
- Enilchek, Sary Zhaz, Echkilitash, Kara Sai, Akshyirak you can reach out/contact us. The cost of the permits services for these destinations are included in our tour prices.
- Lenin Peak and its surrounding areas you can reach out/contact Osh Destination
- Kel Suu and Chatyr Kol Naryn areas you can reach out/contact us
Important: for all permits, you should contact prior to 10 days. Even before your arrival in Kyrgyzstan, you should inform the tour company and make sure to apply for a border zone permit to the indicated above areas.
Do I need border zone permits for other treks in Kyrgyzstan?
In all places except border zone areas, permissions are not required. In popular destinations such as Ala Kul lake, Jeti Oguz, Son Kol, Jyrgalan, Barskoon the border zone permits are not needed. The only thing that might be required is to pay a fee to enter the gorges for example the National Parks, beaches or canyons.